These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.
At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time.
We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer.
Level 2 - Certificate in Understanding Behaviour that Challenges
This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at:
- Burton and South Derbyshire College
- Newcastle and Stafford College Group
- South Staffordshire College
- Stoke-on-Trent College
This course is aimed at improving the learners understanding, awareness and ability to respond to behaviour that challenges.
It is useful for people who are working in care, or have friends or relatives who have care needs and may display behaviour that challenges.
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