Leading and managing in adult social care

3 modules

Oliver Redfern


Welcome to this module focused on leading and managing in adult social care

The responsibilities of leaders and managers in adult social care can not be underestimated. You need a range of skills, knowledge and qualities to be successful, and you need the ability to draw off these at different times in different situations.

You also need to keep an eye on what is happening locally and nationally that will affect your service, and be able to respond, adapt and evolve.

In this module, you’ll start to explore some of those abilities and plan your next steps to leading and managing good and outstanding adult social care services.

The module is aligned to Standard 1 of the Manager Induction Standards and will cover the following 4 topics:

  • Leadership and management
  • Leading a vision
  • The adult social care marketplace
  • Integrated approach to care


  • Explain what it means to ‘lead’ and ‘manage’ in adult social care
  • Explain the importance of developing, sharing and implementing a vision for your service
  • Describe how your services fits within your local adult social care marketplace, and how your service might need to develop
  • Describe what integration between health and social care means locally


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Skills for Care standard certificate

Pre-Module Evaluation
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Leading and managing in adult social care
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Post-module evaluation
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