Welcome to this module focused on regulation and governance
Governance can be defined as a collection of systems and processes concerned with ensuring the overall direction, effectiveness, supervision and accountability of an organisation or service. Within adult social care, good governance is paramount due to the nature of the work completed and the impact your management can have on people’s lives.
Good governance means that accountability is recognised and accepted. It means that lessons are really learned and that there’s honesty and openness in seeing the best possible outcomes for people. There’s an expectation that you’ll take appropriate action to address failings, as well as exploring and improving the situation that allowed any failings to occur.
The module is aligned to Standard 3 of the Manager Induction Standards and will cover the following topics:
- Regulation in adult social care
- The role of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in adult social care
Outline key drivers, legislation and policy that underpin the delivery of social care
explain what is meant by the term ‘personalisation’ and the impact that it has on the social care sector
explain the reasons for inspection, its key drivers and legislation and how the five key questions for the inspection structure may impact on your organisation
explain how agreed ways of working such as protocols, policies and procedure relate to governance and accountability.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Skills for Care standard certificate
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