Safeguarding and Mental Capacity

3 modules

Course length
45 mins

Oliver Redfern

£40.00 GBP


Welcome to this module focused on Safeguarding and Mental Capacity

Safeguarding adults means protecting a person’s right to live in safely, free from abuse and neglect. As an adult social care employer, it’s important to understand your responsibilities around safeguarding and the standards you need to follow.

In this module, you’ll start to explore some of the underpinning knowledge you’ll need to embed best practice in safeguarding and mental capacity.

The module is aligned to Standard 7 of the Manager Induction Standards and will cover the following 4 topics:

  • Safeguarding adults
  • Safeguarding children
  • Mental capacity
  • Restrictive practices


  • Define what is meant by ‘safeguarding adults’

  • identify some of the key principles and provisions of the Care Act 2014

  • describe ways to reduce the risk of abuse and neglect occurring

  • describe how to support others when safeguarding concerns are raised

  • identify how safeguarding children’s practices are relevant to your service

  • describe the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and how these are upheld in your service

  • describe what is meant by a ‘restrictive practice’.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Skills for Care standard certificate

Pre-Module Evaluation
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Safeguarding and Mental Capacity
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Post-module evaluation
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