Making decisions

3 modules

Course length
60 mins

Oliver Redfern


Welcome to this module focused on making decisions

A key component of a manager's role in adult social care is to make decisions and provide direction. The service and team members you lead will look to you to make decisions on how to provide the best possible care and support to the people accessing your service.

These same team members may be able to contribute and provide their views, but part of your role is to hold responsibility for the final decision and set the direction of your service as a whole.

The module is aligned to Standard 8 of the Manager Induction Standards and will cover the following three topics:

  • Decision Making in adult social care
  • Making decisions
  • Involving and empowering others in the decision-making process


  • Explain the importance of effective decision making in adult social care

  • identify the key stages in the decision-making process along with the types of decisions you will have to make

  • identify how information, evidence and your values can be used both in decision making and review of decisions made

  • explain why it's important to involve others in decision-making, and how you might do this.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Skills for Care standard certificate

Pre-Module Evaluation
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Making decisions
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Post-module evaluation
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