Personal development and wellbeing

3 modules

Course length
50 mins

Oliver Redfern


Welcome to this module focused on your personal development and wellbeing

As a manager in adult social care, focusing on yourself is essential for you to be able to deliver good and outstanding care. Sometimes this can be hard - but how can you look after others if you don’t first look after yourself?

The module is aligned to Standard 11 of the Manager Induction Standards and will cover the following 4 topics:

  • Your own development
  • Being self-aware
  • Managing your workload
  • Your personal wellbeing


  • Explain why it is important to focus on your own learning and development, and describe how to do this

  • describe what is meant by 'self-awareness' and the importance of your reactions

  • describe how to effectively manage your workload

  • describe what 'personal wellbeing' means to you


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Skills for Care standard certificate

Pre-Module Evaluation
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Personal development and wellbeing​
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Post-module evaluation
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