Level 2 in Principles of working with individuals with learning disabilities (free distance learning college course)

1 module

Academy Admin



These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.


At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time.

We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer.


Level 2 - Working with individuals with learning disabilities

This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at:

This qualification is designed to help you prepare for or progress within roles where you work or interact with people with learning disabilities, whether in health care, social care, education, or housing support. It aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of safeguarding, positive risk-taking, and the autistic spectrum, supporting your role in working with individuals with learning disabilities.

Level 2 - Principles of Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities
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