This course is for Staffordshire Adult Social Care providers delivering care to individuals in Staffordshire or for individuals outside of Staffordshire receiving care funded or commissioned by Staffordshire County Council.
Course Dates
Effective Monitoring of food and drink intake - 13th March 2025 - 09:30-15:00 - Beaconside Conference Centre (Stone Suite)
How to book this training
To book a training event, add it to your cart, there will be an option to choose a training session and "purchase" it from the storefront, if there is only one training session available for that course, you will automatically be enrolled on to that session and if there are multiple dates available then you will be prompted to select an available date. Please note there is no cost for this training.
Session Details
This session is held at:
Beaconside Conference Centre (Stone Suite),
Stafford Education and Enterprise Park,
Weston Road,
ST18 0BF
You can download a map to the Beaconside Conference Centre.
What 3 Words - (///dining.slip.vibes) https://w3w.co/dining.slip.vibes
Session Outcomes
- What is a balanced diet/Eat Well Guide/recommended portions
- Nutrition and malnutrition
- Why older adults and vulnerable groups may be at risk of malnutrition and dehydration
- The MUST Tool/Score /calculate MUST score/set a treatment goal
- Short and long term effects of dehydration and malnutrition
- When to involve the right people at the right time
- The importance of proper hydration
Please note, by booking onto this training course you are committing to attending at the referenced date and time. Your space on this session has cost Staffordshire County Council and while there is not a cost to yourself or your organisation, public funds have been utilised to fund the training.
If you cannot attend, you can send someone in your place but we will require notification so we can update the course register.
If you are unable to attend or send someone in your place, we ask for 7 working days’ notice in order to have the opportunity to offer this space to others.
All booking changes should be sent to cmdt@staffordshire.gov.uk
Car Parking
The car parking at Beaconside Conference Centre is controlled by ANPR technology so please ensure that you validate your parking using the QR codes that are displayed in the reception area or use the tablet in reception to register your car parking details on the day. Car parking is FREE as long as you register your details.
Refreshments and lunch will not be provided on the day, however there is an onsite café.
If you have any additional requirements, such as the need for British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation or mobility requirements, please let us know in advance so that we can make the necessary arrangements to accommodate your needs.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Effective Monitoring of food and drink intake
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