This course is for Staffordshire Adult Social Care providers delivering care to individuals in Staffordshire or for individuals outside of Staffordshire receiving care funded or commissioned by Staffordshire County Council.
Course Dates
Understanding IDDSI - 13th March 2025 - 09:00-17:00 - Shire Hall Business Centre, Stafford
Understanding IDDSI - 14th March 2025 - 09:00-17:00 - Shire Hall Business Centre, Stafford
Understanding IDDSI - 25th March 2025 - 09:00-17:00 - Shire Hall Business Centre, Stafford
Understanding IDDSI - 26th March 2025 - 09:00-17:00 - Shire Hall Business Centre, Stafford
Understanding IDDSI - 27th March 2025 - 09:00-17:00 - Shire Hall Business Centre, Stafford
Understanding IDDSI - 28th March 2025 - 09:00-17:00 - Shire Hall Business Centre, Stafford
How to book this training
To book a training event, add it to your cart, there will be an option to choose a training session and "purchase" it from the storefront, if there is only one training session available for that course, you will automatically be enrolled on to that session and if there are multiple dates available then you will be prompted to select an available date. Please note there is no cost for this training.
Session Details
This training is being held at:
Shire Hall Business Centre,
Market Street,
ST16 2LD
You can download instructions to get to the venue.
Course Aim and Description
- Understand what is the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI), impact, causes and consequences
- Describe the IDDSI framework
- Understand what is dysphagia
- Explain the risk factors of aspiration and choking and list some strategies to prevent them
- List the relevant legislations in the UK
- Understand the importance of safe management of food production for people affected with dysphagia
- Explain about the process of assessment and screening of dysphagia
- Describe the signs and symptoms of identification for dysphagia
- Explain why is early detection of dysphagia is important
- Understand the importance of patient history in the dysphagia assessment process
- Understand what is diet modification
- Explain the food textures according to IDDSI standard
- Explain how to modify diets according to IDDSI standards
- Explain how to adapt food and drink textures
- Demonstrate how to prepare food and drink according to IDDSI standards
- Explain the importance of promoting independence and dignity of all the service users
- Understand the importance of proper positioning during meals
- List the equipment and assistive devices which can be used to support individuals with dysphagia
- Describe an overview of any specialised equipment used in this context
- Explain how to use and maintain dysphagia-specific equipment effectively
- Explain the need to gain education and training on safe swallowing strategies and diet modifications
- Understand what does a good eating and drinking care plan look like
- Demonstrate how you will complete the eating and drinking care plan effectively
- Understand the safe feeding techniques
- Understand how environmental factors impact safe swallowing
- Understand why is communication and collaboration important
- Explain how to communicate effectively with individuals and team members
- Understand the need to collaborate with other healthcare professionals
- Describe the importance of documentation and accurate record-keeping
- Explain the process of documentation of assessment results and recommended interventions
- Describe why you should regularly monitor and review the swallowing function and dietary tolerance of the individual
- Understand how to recognise and respond to choking incidents and implement emergency protocols
Please note, by booking onto this training course you are committing to attending at the referenced date and time. Your space on this session has cost Staffordshire County Council and while there is not a cost to yourself or your organisation, public funds have been utilised to fund the training.
If you cannot attend, you can send someone in your place but we will require notification so we can update the course register.
If you are unable to attend or send someone in your place, we ask for 7 working days’ notice in order to have the opportunity to offer this space to others.
All bookings or unenrolment changes should be emailed to cmdt@staffordshire.gov.uk
Car Parking
Please ensure that you check prior to attending the training where is most suitable for you to park, we recommend that you refer to Stafford Borough Council's website for car parking information in Stafford Car Parking in Stafford and Stone | Stafford Borough Council (staffordbc.gov.uk). The closest car park is the Waterfront car park.
Refreshments and lunch will not be provided on the day, however there are shops close by.
If you have any additional requirements, such as the need for British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation or mobility requirements, please let us know in advance so that we can make the necessary arrangements to accommodate your needs.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Halo Staffing
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