Sepsis Training

2 modules


Care Market Development Team .


Upcoming Sessions


This course is for Staffordshire Adult Social Care providers delivering care to individuals in Staffordshire or for individuals outside of Staffordshire receiving care funded or commissioned by Staffordshire County Council. 

How to book this training

To book a training event, add it to your cart, proceed to checkout, and complete the purchase. It's free, so no payment details are required.

Session Dates 

9th April 2025 - Microsoft Teams

Session Details - Sepsis Training

This training is delivered via Microsoft Teams, please ensure you join the webinar 5 minutes before your course start time, you will remain in the waiting room until the facilitator accepts you to join.  

Course Objectives

The training will comprise of a current overview of sepsis and how to recognise and effectively escalate this life-threatening illness.

Training is aimed at: All front-line staff working in Care Home, Nursing Home, Supported Living and Home Care settings.

By the end of the session the learner will:

• Understand the scale and burden of sepsis within the UK

• Be able to define ‘Sepsis’ and ‘Post Sepsis Syndrome’

• Understand and identify the risk factors for sepsis (Sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management (2016) NICE guideline NG51)

• Understand and explain how to reduce the risk of sepsis within a care setting.

• Recognise sepsis and how rapid intervention will help reduce the number of deaths occurring annually by understanding the use of national sepsis decision tools and early warning scoring systems (NEWS2)

• Understand when and how to escalate sepsis within your care setting

• Have an awareness of the management and treatment for sepsis

Please note, by booking onto this training course you are committing to attending at the referenced date and time. Your space on this session has cost Staffordshire County Council and while there is not a cost to yourself or your organisation, public funds have been utilised to fund the training. 

If you cannot attend, you can send someone in your place but we will require notification so we can update the course register. 

If you are unable to attend or send someone in your place, we ask for 7 working days’ notice in order to have the opportunity to offer this space to others. 

All bookings or unenrolment changes should be emailed to


Sepsis Training - 9th April 2025 (Online Webinar)

Sepsis Training Survey
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