Training available at the Social Care Academy for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent

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These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.   At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time. We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer. Courses Level 2 - Certificate in Principles of Care Planning This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at: Newcastle and Stafford College Group Stoke-on-Trent College Learn about person-centred approaches, assessment techniques, and care plan development to enhance your skills and knowledge in healthcare and social care. This course ensures that care workers understand their role in person-centred thinking, planning, and reviews when supporting residents or patients. It covers principles and practices of person-centred care, issues around information storage and sharing, and the implementation and evaluation of care plans.  Disclaimer These are external courses promoted through the Social Care Academy as part of its commitment to providing diverse learning. By participating you are acknowledging that the Social Care Academy is not accountable for issues arising from this course’s content or delivery by external providers. Learners are advised to undertake due diligence to ensure the suitability of the course for their individual needs. Externally referenced courses may have applicable costs and conditions. Read more

These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.   At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time. We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer. Courses Level 2 - End of Life Care This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at: Newcastle and Stafford College Group South Staffs College This course covers all the main topics related to End of Life Care, including care planning, pain management, dementia, and the role of the care worker at the time of death. It also addresses understanding loss and grief in end-of-life care. This distance learning, online course is completed over six units within twelve weeks, with a personal tutor available for support via email. Gain knowledge for providing compassionate support to individuals nearing the end of life, making a positive difference in their lives and their families during this sensitive time. Read more

These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.   At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time. We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer. Courses Level 2 - Working with individuals with learning disabilities This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at: Newcastle and Stafford College Group South Staffs College Stoke-on-Trent College This qualification is designed to help you prepare for or progress within roles where you work or interact with people with learning disabilities, whether in health care, social care, education, or housing support. It aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of safeguarding, positive risk-taking, and the autistic spectrum, supporting your role in working with individuals with learning disabilities. Read more

These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.   At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time. We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer. Courses Level 2 - Safe Handling of Medication This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at: Burton and South Derbyshire College Newcastle and Stafford College Group South Staffordshire College Stoke-on-Trent College   This courses explores the principles and guidelines around medication handling. This includes the administration, storage, administration and disposal protocols. Explore key principles of medication handling, including storage, administration and disposal protocols. Additional information is offers around types of medications, effects, side-effects, record-keeping, medication labels, and communication with professionals. Disclaimer These are external courses promoted through the Social Care Academy as part of its commitment to providing diverse learning. By participating you are acknowledging that the Social Care Academy is not accountable for issues arising from this course’s content or delivery by external providers. Learners are advised to undertake due diligence to ensure the suitability of the course for their individual needs. Externally referenced courses may have applicable costs and conditions. Read more

These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.   At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time. We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer. Courses Level 2 - Certificate in Self-Harm and Suicide Awareness and Prevention This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at: Burton and South Derbyshire College Newcastle and Stafford College Group South Staffordshire College Stoke-on-Trent College This course aims to improve the learner's understanding and awareness about both suicide and self-harm. It explores, risk, warning signs, protective factors, and offers strategies for prevention and intervention. Disclaimer These are external courses promoted through the Social Care Academy as part of its commitment to providing diverse learning. By participating you are acknowledging that the Social Care Academy is not accountable for issues arising from this course’s content or delivery by external providers. Learners are advised to undertake due diligence to ensure the suitability of the course for their individual needs. Externally referenced courses may have applicable costs and conditions. Read more

These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.   At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time. We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer. Courses Level 2 - Certificate in Understanding Behaviour that Challenges This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at: Burton and South Derbyshire College Newcastle and Stafford College Group South Staffordshire College Stoke-on-Trent College This course is aimed at improving the learners understanding, awareness and ability to respond to behaviour that challenges.  It is useful for people who are working in care, or have friends or relatives who have care needs and may display behaviour that challenges. Read more

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