Level 2 in End of Life Care (free distance learning college courses)

1 module

Academy Admin



These courses are offered and completed through local colleges within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. They are held externally to the Social Care Academy.


At the point of creating this course, all courses were free, however learners should contact the college to confirm they are eligible to complete the course for free. Some courses may result in a charge if they are not finished in time.

We recommend enrolling in this course as a reminder, and to see the more detailed descriptions of each college's offer.


Level 2 - End of Life Care

This course is accessible to all residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. It is available at:

This course covers all the main topics related to End of Life Care, including care planning, pain management, dementia, and the role of the care worker at the time of death. It also addresses understanding loss and grief in end-of-life care. This distance learning, online course is completed over six units within twelve weeks, with a personal tutor available for support via email. Gain knowledge for providing compassionate support to individuals nearing the end of life, making a positive difference in their lives and their families during this sensitive time.

Level 2 in End of Life Care
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